Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Future for me

Since my experience reading sports related stuff is limited to 1. espn.com and 2. seabiscuit, I have decided to forego following Will's book list for the moment...

I just finished reading Stardust.. (a Neal Gaiman book, he writes lots of neo-Fantasy books and wrote Coraline... anyways there's a Stardust movie too that's I actually really enjoyed even though I normally trash any book's accompanying film media). I don't really feel like writing a review about Stardust, but it's fairly good and a very easy read, and if you've already seen the movie this is fun because there's a lot of differences, but in a good way. The plot is much less cheesy. (7/10).

I'm halfway through The Broker right now, because I had this weird craving for reading a Grisham book... and after that I'm probably going to read The Handmaiden's Tale because people keep telling me I would like it. So those are my next ones... maybe after that I'll find a classic to write a boring review about!!!

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